One of the most intriguing aspects of the Demon Slayer series is the 12 Kizuki, a group of powerful demons who serve as some of the primary antagonists. Each member of the Twelve Kizuki possesses their own unique Blood Demon Art, making them formidable opponents for the series’ protagonist, Tanjiro.
In this article, we will explore the Twelve Kizuki in-depth, including their ranking based on their Blood Demon Arts, their individual strengths and weaknesses, and how they fit into the overall narrative of Demon Slayer.
Whether you’re a die-hard fan of the series or just starting to discover its wonders, this article will provide a comprehensive understanding of the Twelve Kizuki and their role in the Demon Slayer universe. So, let’s delve into the world of demons and demon slayers and discover the secrets of the Twelve Kizuki.
12 Kizuki
Nakime was an enigmatic yet frigid biwa player, displaying little emotion. She rarely spoke, and when she did, her words were always direct and succinct. She was devoted to Muzan, following his orders without pause or inquiry.
She is pale, with a grayish hue and bright blue nails. Her lips were a striking red against her pallor, and her hair a dark brown that hung to her waist in smooth waves, two short locks framing her face and long bangs concealing her single, large eye.
After being elevated to an Upper Rank, Nakime’s bangs were parted to reveal her single eye, its iris etched with the kanji for ‘Four’. Her upper face was also shown, darker gray than the rest of her skin and with visible veins around her eye.
You’ll be blown away by Enmu’s ability to fuse his body into a train and attack Demon Slayers, showcasing the immense power of Upper Rank demons in Demon Slayer. Enmu is the Upper Rank 1 demon and plays a major role in the Mugen Train arc. His backstory is unknown, but it is revealed that he has a close relationship with Muzan, the main antagonist of the series.
Enmu’s Blood Demon Art allows him to enter the dreams of his victims and control them, making him a formidable opponent. In his fight with Tanjiro, Enmu shows off his ability to merge with the train and attack the Demon Slayers from within. Despite Tanjiro’s best efforts, Enmu proves to be a difficult opponent to defeat. Enmu’s unique ability and his role in the Mugen Train arc make him a memorable character in the series.
Gyokko may be an Upper Rank demon, but the boring nature of his Blood Demon Art leaves much to be desired. His ability, Swamp of Serpents, creates a boggy terrain that slows down his opponents, but it lacks the creativity and versatility of other Kizuki members’ Blood Demon Arts. Additionally, Gyokko’s backstory remains largely unknown, making it difficult for viewers to connect with his character.
Despite his lackluster abilities and mysterious past, Gyokko still manages to hold his own in fight scenes. He proves to be a formidable opponent for the Demon Slayers, especially when he combines his Swamp of Serpents with his physical strength. However, Gyokko’s role in the overall story is relatively minor.
He serves as a stepping stone for the Demon Slayers to face off against stronger opponents, and his relationship with other Kizuki members is not explored in depth. Overall, while Gyokko may not be the most memorable of the Twelve Kizuki, he still provides a challenge for our heroes.
Despite his youthful appearance, Gyutaro proves to be a formidable opponent with his powerful Blood Demon Art. As the Upper Rank 6 member of the Twelve Kizuki, he possesses incredible combat skills and is one of the most skilled swordsmen among the demons. His backstory remains a mystery, but it is known that he and his twin sister, Daki, were recruited by Muzan Kibutsuji to become members of the Twelve Kizuki.
Gyutaro’s abilities are centered around his swordsmanship and his Blood Demon Art, which allows him to manipulate his body to increase his agility and speed. He can also create threads of blood from his wounds to ensnare his opponents and control their movements. Despite his strengths, Gyutaro has weaknesses as well. He is reliant on his sister and can become emotionally unstable if she is injured or killed. However, his devotion to his sister also gives him a fierce determination to protect her at all costs.
Daki, Gyutaro’s twin sister and Upper Rank 6 member of the Twelve, wields a unique Blood Demon Art that allows her to manipulate her sash with her blood. This ability gives her a distinctive fighting style that sets her apart from other demons in the series. She can effortlessly control her sash to attack her opponents from a distance, making it difficult for them to get close to her.
As one of the Twelve Kizuki, Daki holds a significant position among the demons in the series. Her ranking as Upper Rank 6 shows that she is a formidable opponent with exceptional strength and abilities. Despite her vicious nature, Daki has a soft spot for her brother Gyutaro and is fiercely protective of him. However, she has an unpredictable dual personality that makes her a dangerous adversary for the Demon Slayers.
Moving on to the next member of the Twelve Kizuki, we have Hantengu. This demon is known for using emotions as a weapon in his Blood Demon Art, making him a formidable opponent to face in battle. Hantengu’s ability allows him to split into three different forms, each with their own unique personality and emotions. He can then manipulate the emotions of those around him, causing them to feel extreme joy, anger, or sadness, and using that to his advantage in battle.
Aside from his unique Blood Demon Art, Hantengu has also shown impressive physical strength and speed, making him a difficult opponent to defeat. He was able to hold his own against multiple Demon Slayers at once, showing just how powerful he truly is.
Compared to other Upper Rank demons, Hantengu may not be the strongest in terms of raw power, but his ability to manipulate emotions gives him an edge in battle. As for his role in the overall plot of Demon Slayer, Hantengu serves as one of the obstacles that the main characters must overcome on their journey to defeat Muzan and the Twelve Kizuki.
Kaigaku proves to be a formidable opponent with his powerful electrical abilities. As an Upper Rank 6 demon, he is one of the Twelve Kizuki and displays impressive skills in battle. However, his story takes a dark turn when he betrays his comrades and joins the side of the demons.
Kaigaku’s electrical powers allow him to move at lightning-fast speeds and deliver devastating attacks to his opponents. In the Mugen Train movie, he faces off against Zenitsu, another member of the Demon Slayer Corps with electrical abilities. Their battle showcases Kaigaku’s strength and agility, as well as his willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.
However, it is revealed that his betrayal stems from a deep-seated jealousy towards his former comrade, and his backstory adds another layer to the complex relationships within the demon world.
You’re about to witness the power of Akaza, one of the most formidable opponents in the series, with his incredible abilities and fearsome reputation. Akaza was once a human named Hakuji who was trained in martial arts. He became a demon after being saved by Muzan Kibutsuji, the main antagonist, who turned him into a demon to save his life. Akaza’s backstory is tragic, as he was forced to leave his family behind and turn his back on his humanity.
Akaza’s fighting style is unique, as he uses the “Flame Breathing” technique, which allows him to manipulate flames and use them as a weapon. He also has superhuman strength and speed, making him a formidable opponent.
Akaza’s relationship with Upper Rank 3, Doma, is complex, as he views him as a rival and is constantly trying to prove himself as the stronger demon. Akaza’s impact on the Demon Slayer fandom is significant, as he is considered one of the most powerful and memorable villains in the series. His role in the manga’s climax was pivotal, as he faced off against the protagonist, Tanjiro, in a brutal battle that ultimately led to his defeat.
Get ready to learn about Doma, one of the most powerful Upper Rank demons in the Demon Slayer universe. Doma possesses cryokinetic abilities, which allow him to manipulate ice at will. He is also known as Upper Rank 2, and is considered to be one of the strongest demons in the series.
Doma’s fight against the Hashira is one of the most intense battles in the series. He is able to hold his own against multiple Hashira at once, demonstrating his incredible strength and cunning. Doma’s past and motives are shrouded in mystery, but it is clear that he is a formidable opponent with a deep connection to the demon world.
His role in the Demon Slayer universe is significant, as he serves as a major antagonist and obstacle for the main characters to overcome. The battle between Doma and Tanjiro is one for the ages, with both sides displaying incredible power and skill. Ultimately, Doma’s cryokinetic abilities make him a truly fearsome opponent, and one that is not easily defeated.
As you read about Rui, you’ll discover how his power showcases the vast difference between Lower and Upper Rank demons in Demon Slayer. Rui is the Lower Rank 5 demon and the first major antagonist that Tanjiro encounters in the series. Despite being a Lower Rank demon, Rui’s power is far beyond that of any demon that Tanjiro has faced before.
Rui’s backstory reveals that he was once a human who was turned into a demon by Muzan Kibutsuji. He is obsessed with family bonds and creates a “family” of demons by kidnapping and turning humans into demons. Rui’s relationship with Nezuko, the protagonist’s demon sister, is particularly interesting.
Rui sees Nezuko as his younger sister and wants her to join his “family.” Rui’s fight with Tanjiro is one of the most intense battles in the series and showcases Rui’s unique Blood Demon Art. His threads can control the movements of his opponents, making it difficult for them to fight back. Rui’s impact on the Demon Slayer series is significant as he is one of the first major obstacles that Tanjiro must overcome in his journey to become a Demon Slayer.
Now let’s delve into Kokushibo, the highest-ranking member of the Twelve Kizuki with a unique Blood Demon Art that includes crescent-shaped blades and the use of Moon Breathing. Kokushibo’s Moon Breathing techniques involve drawing power from the moon and converting it into devastating attacks. He can also use his crescent-shaped blades to slice through even the toughest of opponents. His Blood Demon Art is so powerful that it allows him to take on multiple Demon Slayers at once without breaking a sweat.
Kokushibo’s backstory reveals that he was once a human swordsman who lived during the Heian period. He was known for his exceptional swordsmanship skills and his loyalty to his country. However, after his death, he was resurrected by Muzan Kibutsuji and turned into a demon.
Despite his new form, Kokushibo still retained his love for swordsmanship and continued to hone his skills as a demon. Kokushibo’s relationship with Muzan is one of loyalty, as he sees Muzan as not only his leader but also his family. Kokushibo’s role in the overall storyline is pivotal, as he serves as one of the main antagonists and poses a formidable threat to the Demon Slayers.
You’re about to learn more about the enigmatic and powerful leader of the demons in Demon Slayer, Muzan Kibutsuji, and his complex role in the series. Muzan’s backstory is shrouded in mystery, but it is known that he was once a human who turned into a demon after ingesting a special medicine. He is known for his insatiable thirst for power and immortality, which has driven him to create and control the Twelve Kizuki as well as countless other demons. Muzan’s motivations and goals are solely focused on his own survival and domination, and he will stop at nothing to achieve them.
Muzan’s relationship with the Twelve Kizuki is one of control and fear. He created them to serve as his loyal subordinates and granted them power through his own blood, but he also instills fear in them through his ruthlessness and ability to easily dispose of those who displease him. Despite this, the Twelve Kizuki are fiercely loyal to Muzan, as they know that their own survival is tied to his. Muzan’s weaknesses and vulnerabilities are few and far between, as he is an incredibly powerful and intelligent demon.
However, he is vulnerable to sunlight and has a fear of death, which drives his pursuit of immortality. Muzan’s impact on the overall story is immense, as he is not only the main antagonist but also the driving force behind the events of the series. His actions have set off a chain of events that have led to the rise of the Demon Slayer Corps and the battles between demons and humans.
Difference Between Upper Rank and Lower Rank Demons
Do you ever wonder what sets apart the Upper Rank demons from the Lower Rank ones in Demon Slayer? The answer lies in their power levels, combat abilities, and Blood Demon Art. The Upper Rank demons are known to possess greater strength, speed, and agility than their Lower Rank counterparts. They are also more adept at using their Blood Demon Art to enhance their combat abilities, making them formidable opponents for Demon Slayers.
As the series progresses, the demon ranks continue to evolve. The Twelve Kizuki members are a prime example of this, as they are ranked based on the strength of their Blood Demon Art. While some, like Nakime and Gyokko, have weaker abilities, others like Akaza and Kokushibo are among the most powerful demons in the series. The Demon Slayer encounters with these demons highlight the stark differences in power levels between Upper and Lower Rank demons. Overall, the evolution of demon ranks adds to the complexity and intensity of the battles in Demon Slayer.
In conclusion, the Twelve Kizuki are a formidable group of demons in the Demon Slayer universe, each possessing their own unique Blood Demon Art. From the powerful and sadistic Upper Rank demons to the cunning and strategic Lower Rank demons, each member of the Twelve Kizuki presents their own set of challenges for the protagonists to overcome.
While some may argue that certain members of the Twelve Kizuki outshine others in terms of power or character development, each demon plays a crucial role in the overarching plot of the series. The introduction of the Twelve Kizuki has elevated the stakes for our heroes and provided a sense of urgency and danger to the story.
As the series continues to progress, it will be exciting to see how the remaining members of the Twelve Kizuki are introduced and how they will contribute to the ongoing conflict between the demons and demon slayers.