This article that explores the diverse and fascinating world of Dislyte characters, the popular mobile game. With characters inspired by various mythologies and cultures from around the world, Dislyte offers a unique and exciting experience for players.
This article delves into the backgrounds and abilities of some of the most popular Dislyte characters, including their divine powers, skills, and personalities. Whether you are a seasoned Dislyte player or new to the game, this article will provide insight and information on the characters that make Dislyte a thrilling and engaging experience.
Dislyte Characters List

Abigail (Frigga) is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Frigga, the Norse goddess of marriage and motherhood. She is a defensive support Esper who is also capable of dealing damage. Her Thorny Brambles skill has a chance to inflict damage and a debuff on a single target.
Additionally, her attack skill can inflict sleep on a single target and heal her own HP. Abigail has a recovery skill that grants a DEF Up and a Shield to all allies, making her a valuable addition to any team. She is also known for being an ambitious woman who acts of her own accord, and she has solidified her foothold in Utgard to become the biggest arms dealer in Grandis.

Ahmed (Geb) is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Geb, the Egyptian god of the earth. He is a support Esper who excels at healing allies and enhancing their ATK. His Prelude to Life skill attacks an enemy three times, with each hit healing an ally. Additionally, his passive skill increases his own ATK and the ATK of allies when he uses his skills. Ahmed is also a commander from the Esper Union and a super idol of XHz, making him a popular figure in the world of Dislyte. He is known for his likable personality on screen, but he occasionally struggles with his own inner turmoil.

Alexa (Aphrodite) is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. She is a support Esper who excels at protecting allies and retaliating against enemies. Her Kiss of the Nightingale skill reduces damage taken by one ally and reflects some of the damage back to the attacker.
Additionally, her passive skill increases her own DEF and the DEF of allies when she uses her skills. Alexa is also known for her beauty and her ability to manipulate people with her charm. She is a strong team player and a valuable asset in battle, making her a popular choice for many players.

Alice (Gullveig) is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Gullveig, a figure from Norse mythology often associated with gold. She is a support Esper who excels at extending the duration of ally buffs. Her Crystal Shards skill extends the duration of all buffs for allies and grants them a Critical Rate boost. Additionally, her passive skill increases her own CRIT and the CRIT of allies when she uses her skills. Alice is also known for her curiosity and her desire to uncover the secrets of the Miracles. She is a powerful ally in battle and a valuable addition to many teams.

Anesidora (Pandora) is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Pandora, the first woman in Greek mythology. She is a support Esper who excels at debuffing enemies and buffing allies. Her Pandora’s Box skill inflicts a debuff on all enemies that reduces their DEF and CRIT, making them more vulnerable to attacks. Additionally, her passive skill increases her own DEF and the DEF of allies when she uses her skills. Anesidora is also known for her cunning and her ability to manipulate people. She is a valuable asset in battle and a popular choice for many players.

Arcana (Hermes) is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Hermes, the Greek god of flocks, herds, and shepherds. He is a Wind Fighter Esper who excels at dealing damage and controlling the battlefield. His skill set includes an attack skill that deals damage and inflicts a debuff on a single target, a control skill that reduces the AP of all enemies and increases his own AP, and an ultimate skill that deals massive damage to a single target.
Additionally, his passive skill increases his own ATK and the ATK of allies when he uses his skills. Arcana is a valuable asset in battle and a popular choice for many players. He is also known for his skill at making complete strangers laugh, even in the midst of anger.

Asenath (Set) is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Set, the Egyptian god of chaos and violence. She is a support Esper who excels at healing allies and providing them with buffs. Her Lotus Steps skill grants all allies AP and Lotus Mark, which reduces damage taken. Each Lotus Mark triggered boosts Asenath’s AP.
Additionally, her passive skill increases her own Healing Efficacy and the Healing Efficacy of allies when she uses her skills. Asenath is also known for her calm and collected personality, which is a stark contrast to her divine power. She is a valuable asset in battle and a popular choice for many players.

Bai-Liuli (Xiwangmu) is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Xiwangmu, the Chinese goddess of immortality. She is a Rare Shimmer Fighter Esper who excels at dealing damage and stealing buffs from enemies. Her Incorporeal skill launches multiple attacks on random enemies, with a chance to steal a buff from each target hit.
Additionally, her passive skill increases her own CRIT and the CRIT of allies when she uses her skills. Bai-Liuli is also known for her gratitude towards Xu Xian, a character from Chinese mythology who helped her gain 500 years’ worth of magical powers. She is a valuable asset in battle and a popular choice for many players.

Chalmers (Cthulhu) is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Cthulhu, a fictional cosmic entity created by H.P. Lovecraft. He is an offensive Esper who excels at dealing damage to enemies, at the cost of his own HP. His Gold Pulse skill launches a devastating attack against a single enemy, dealing bonus damage at the cost of his own HP.
Additionally, his passive skill increases his own ATK and the ATK of allies when he uses his skills. Chalmers is also known for his questionable artwork, which has been criticized for its racist undertones. Despite this controversy, he remains a popular choice for many players due to his powerful offensive capabilities.

Clara (Izanami) is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Izanami, the Japanese goddess of creation and death. She is a healing support Esper who excels at providing team-wide AP buffs, immunity, and shields. Her Queen’s Protection skill removes debuffs from her allies and provides them with a shield that absorbs damage.
Additionally, her passive skill increases her own Healing Efficacy and the Healing Efficacy of allies when she uses her skills. Clara is also known for her efficiency and her ability to keep her team alive in the midst of battle. She is a valuable asset in battle and a popular choice for many players.

Dhalia (Hera) is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Hera, the Greek goddess of marriage and childbirth. She is a Rare Shimmer Support Esper who excels at providing team-wide AP buffs and inflicting debuffs on enemies. Her Sneak Attack skill has a chance to inflict stun on a single target, while her Umbra Attack skill has a chance to inflict a debuff that reduces the target’s DEF and CRIT.
Additionally, her passive skill increases her own AP and the AP of allies when she uses her skills. Dhalia is also known for her stern demeanor and her valiant heroics, which have made her very popular among her peers. She is a valuable asset in battle and a popular choice for many players.

Embla (Freyja) is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Freyja, the Norse goddess of love, fertility, and war. She is a Rare Shimmer Fighter Esper who excels at dealing damage and inflicting debuffs on enemies. Her skillset includes a powerful attack skill that deals damage and inflicts a debuff that reduces the target’s DEF and CRIT, a control skill that reduces the AP of all enemies and increases her own AP, and an ultimate skill that deals massive damage to a single target.
Additionally, her passive skill increases her own ATK and the ATK of allies when she uses her skills. Embla (Freyja) is also known for her beauty and her ability to charm her enemies. She is a valuable asset in battle and a popular choice for many players.

Ethan (Odin) is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Odin, the Norse god of wisdom, war, and death. He is a support Esper who excels at controlling enemies and boosting allies. His Chaos Sound skill attacks a single enemy and has a chance to reduce their AP. Additionally, his passive skill increases his own DEF and the DEF of allies when he uses his skills. Ethan is also known for his loyalty and his unwavering dedication to his cause. He is a valuable asset in battle and a popular choice for many players.

Falken (Fenrir) is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Fenrir, a monstrous wolf from Norse mythology. He is an Inferno Defender Esper who excels at retaliatory damage and counterattacks. His Eye of Horus skill marks all attacked targets and launches numerous counterattacks when he is hit. Additionally, his passive skill increases his own DEF and the DEF of allies when he uses his skills. Falken (Fenrir) is also known for his ferocity and his ability to strike fear into his enemies. He is a valuable asset in battle and a popular choice for many players.

Gabrielle (Njord) is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Njord, the Norse god of the sea, wind, and fishing. She is a support Esper who excels at providing team-wide buffs and debuffs. Her Rush skill grants the entire team temporary immunity and DEF Up while striking all enemies. Additionally, her passive skill increases her own AP and the AP of allies when she uses her skills. Gabrielle (Njord) is also known for her patience and her ability to listen to others. She is a valuable asset in battle and a popular choice for many players.

Garmr (Hel) is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Hel, the Norse goddess of the underworld. He is an Inferno Fighter Esper who excels at dealing damage and inflicting debuffs on enemies. His skillset includes an attack skill that deals damage and inflicts a debuff that reduces the target’s DEF and CRIT, a control skill that reduces the AP of all enemies and increases his own AP, and an ultimate skill that deals massive damage to a single target.
Additionally, his passive skill increases his own ATK and the ATK of allies when he uses his skills. Garmr (Hel) is also known for his ferocity and his loyalty to Hel, his mistress. He is a valuable asset in battle and a popular choice for many players.

Jiang-Man (Chang’e) is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Chang’e, the Chinese goddess of the moon. She is an Epic Fighter Esper who excels at dealing damage to enemies and inflicting debuffs on them. Her skillset includes an attack skill that deals damage to all enemies and inflicts a debuff that reduces their CRIT, a control skill that reduces the AP of all enemies and increases her own AP, and an ultimate skill that deals massive damage to a single target.
Additionally, her passive skill increases her own ATK and the ATK of allies when she uses her skills. Jiang-Man (Chang’e) is also known for her mysterious and powerful aura, which has made her a popular choice for many players. She is a valuable asset in battle and a force to be reckoned with.

Kaylee is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Anuket, the Egyptian goddess of the Nile River. She is a Flow Controller Esper who excels at reducing enemy AP and dealing multi-stage damage. Her Dance of Deluge skill grants C. RATE Up and deals multi-stage damage to all enemies. Additionally, her passive skill increases her own CRIT and the CRIT of allies when she uses her skills. Kaylee is also known for her bubbly personality and her belief that the power of dance is greater than words. She is a valuable asset in battle and a popular choice for many players.

Leora is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, courage, and war. She is a Union Ops Chief who serves as the Union’s disciplinary officer due to her serious and meticulous personality. She is also a powerful Fighter Esper who excels at dealing damage and assisting the team.
Her skillset includes an attack skill that deals damage to a single target and grants her a shield, a support skill that grants the team ATK Up and CRIT Up, and an ultimate skill that deals massive damage to all enemies. Additionally, her passive skill increases her own ATK and the ATK of allies when she uses her skills. Leora is also known for her intelligence and her strategic thinking, which have made her a valuable asset in battle and a popular choice for many players.
Li Ling

Li Ling is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Nezha, a Chinese deity. He is an Inferno Fighter Esper who excels at dealing true damage with multi-stage attacks. His Tai Chi skill deals damage to a single target and heals him while also taking extra HP off the target.
Additionally, his passive skill increases his own CRIT and the CRIT of allies when he uses his skills. Li Ling is also known for his hot-headed and rebellious personality, which has gotten him into trouble in the past. However, his skills and abilities make him a valuable asset in battle and a popular choice for many players.

Lucas is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Apollo, the Greek god of music, poetry, and prophecy. He is an Inferno Controller Esper who excels at disabling enemies and supporting the team. His skillset includes a control skill that reduces the AP of all enemies and increases his own AP, a support skill that grants the team AP Up and DEF Up, and an ultimate skill that deals massive damage to a single target.
Additionally, his passive skill increases his own AP and the AP of allies when he uses his skills. Lucas is also known for his cheerful personality and his love for music, which have made him a popular choice for many players. He is a valuable asset in battle and a force to be reckoned with.

Mateo is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Prometheus, the Greek god of fire and forethought. He is a Wind Fighter Esper who excels at enhancing the team’s abilities to perform multi-stage attacks. His Blast Burn skill attacks a single enemy multiple times with a chance to reduce their CRIT, and his passive skill increases the CRIT of allies when he uses his skills. Mateo is also known for his rebellious and arrogant personality, which has gotten him into trouble in the past. However, his skills and abilities make him a valuable asset in battle and a popular choice for many players.

Meredith is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Scylla, the legendary sea monster from Greek mythology. She is an Epic Support Esper who excels at healing and supporting the team. Her skillset includes a support skill that reduces 1 enemy’s HP and restores an equal amount of HP to all allies, a heal skill that restores HP to all allies, and an ultimate skill that restores a large amount of HP to all allies and removes debuffs.
Additionally, her passive skill increases her own DEF and the DEF of allies when she uses her skills. Meredith is also known for her lifesteal and support abilities, which have made her a popular choice for many players. She is a valuable asset in battle and a force to be reckoned with.

Ninsun is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Ninsun, the Mesopotamian goddess of wild cows and mother of Gilgamesh. She is an Epic Flow Controller Esper who excels at controlling the battlefield and reducing enemy AP. Her skillset includes a control skill that reduces the AP of all enemies and increases her own AP, a support skill that grants the team DEF Up and HP Regen, and an ultimate skill that deals moderate damage to all enemies and reduces their AP.
Additionally, her passive skill increases her own DEF and the DEF of allies when she uses her skills. Ninsun is also known for her wisdom and her maternal instincts, which have made her a valuable asset in battle and a popular choice for many players.

Nyx is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Nyx, the Greek goddess of the night. She is a Wind Fighter Esper who excels at dealing damage and inflicting debuffs on enemies. Her skillset includes an attack skill that deals damage to all enemies and inflicts a debuff that reduces their DEF and CRIT, a control skill that reduces the AP of all enemies and increases her own AP, and an ultimate skill that deals massive damage to a single target and inflicts a debuff that reduces their CRIT.
Additionally, her passive skill increases her own ATK and the ATK of allies when she uses her skills. Nyx is also known for her calm and sharp personality, which has made her a popular choice for many players. She is a valuable asset in battle and a force to be reckoned with.

Ollie is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Osiris, the Egyptian god of the afterlife. He is a Flow Fighter Esper who excels at dealing damage and supporting the team. His skillset includes an attack skill that deals damage to an enemy and has a chance of inflicting a debuff that reduces their CRIT, a support skill that grants the team CRIT Up and ATK Up, and an ultimate skill that deals massive damage to a single target and grants the team a shield.
Additionally, his passive skill increases his own ATK and the ATK of allies when he uses his skills. Ollie is also known for his free-spirited and carefree personality, which has made him a popular choice for many players. He is a valuable asset in battle and a force to be reckoned with.

Sander is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Set, the Egyptian god of chaos and violence. He is a Wind Nuker and Assassin Esper who excels at dealing massive damage to enemies. His skillset includes an attack skill that deals damage to a single target and grants him a shield, a control skill that reduces the AP of all enemies and increases his own AP, and an ultimate skill that deals massive damage to a single target and has a chance of inflicting a debuff that reduces their CRIT.
Additionally, his passive skill increases his own ATK and the ATK of allies when he uses his skills. Sander is also known for his critical thinking and his ability to devise strategies for any situation, which have made him a valuable asset in battle and a popular choice for many players. He is a force to be reckoned with and a valuable asset in battle.

Sienna is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Gaia, the Greek goddess of the earth. She is a Wind Support Esper who excels at manipulating AP and granting buffs to the team. Her skillset includes a support skill that increases her own AP and an ally’s AP, a control skill that reduces the AP of all enemies, and an ultimate skill that deals damage to all enemies and reduces their AP to zero.
Additionally, her passive skill increases her own SPD and the SPD of allies when she uses her skills. Sienna is also known for her motherly and nurturing personality, which has made her a popular choice for many players. She is a valuable asset in battle and a force to be reckoned with.
Tang Xuan

Tang Xuan is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Sun Wukong, the Monkey King from Chinese mythology. He is a Fighter Esper who excels at dealing damage and applying debuffs to enemies. His skillset includes an attack skill that deals damage and applies a debuff that reduces the target’s DEF, a control skill that reduces the AP of all enemies and increases his own AP, and an ultimate skill that deals massive damage to a single target and has a chance of inflicting a debuff that reduces their DEF.
Additionally, his passive skill increases his own ATK and the ATK of allies when he uses his skills. Tang Xuan is also known for his versatility and his ability to switch from offense to defense when needed, which have made him a popular choice for many players. He is a valuable asset in battle and a force to be reckoned with.

Tevor is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Sphinx, the mythical creature from Egyptian culture who protected the pyramids. He is a Wind Fighter Esper who excels at dealing damage and inflicting debuffs on enemies. His skillset includes an attack skill that deals damage to a single target and applies a debuff that reduces their DEF, a control skill that reduces the AP of all enemies and increases his own AP, and an ultimate skill that deals massive damage to a single target and inflicts a debuff that reduces their DEF and CRIT.
Additionally, his passive skill increases his own ATK and the ATK of allies when he uses his skills. Tevor is also known for his detective skills and his ability to uncover the truth, which have made him a valuable asset in battle and a popular choice for many players. He is a force to be reckoned with and a valuable asset in battle.

Uday is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Sopdet, the Egyptian goddess of the star Sirius. She is a Shimmer Support Esper who excels at attacking and protecting the team. Her skillset includes an attack skill that deals damage to a single target and inflicts a debuff that reduces their SPD, and a support skill that increases the AP of a random ally.
Additionally, her passive skill increases her own AP and the AP of allies when she uses her skills. Uday is also known for her warm heart and kind soul, which have made her a popular choice for many players. She is a valuable asset in battle and a force to be reckoned with.

Valeria is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec god of the wind and wisdom. She is a Wind Fighter Esper who excels at dealing damage and reducing enemy AP. Her skillset includes an attack skill that deals damage to a single target and reduces their AP, a passive skill that increases her own CRIT and grants her immunity to debuffs, and an ultimate skill that deals massive damage to a single target and has a chance of inflicting a debuff that reduces their CRIT.
Additionally, her passive skill increases her own SPD and the SPD of allies when she uses her skills. Valeria is also known for her free-spirited and adventurous personality, which have made her a popular choice for many players. She is a force to be reckoned with and a valuable asset in battle.
Xie Chuyi

Xie Chuyi is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Death Guard Hei, a Chinese mythological reaper from the underworld. He is a Flow Fighter Esper who excels at dealing damage and inflicting debuffs on enemies. His skillset includes an attack skill that deals damage to a single target and inflicts a debuff that reduces their SPD, a control skill that reduces the AP of all enemies and increases his own AP, and an ultimate skill that deals massive damage to a single target and inflicts a debuff that reduces their SPD and CRIT.
Additionally, his passive skill increases his own ATK and the ATK of allies when he uses his skills. Xie Chuyi is also known for his cold and calculating personality, which has made him a popular choice for many players. He is a force to be reckoned with and a valuable asset in battle.
Xuan Pin

Xuan Pin is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Jiutian Xuannu, the Chinese goddess of war, longevity, and sex. She is a Shimmer Support Esper who excels at providing strategic support to the team. Her skillset includes a support skill that grants the team DEF Up and HP Regen, a control skill that reduces the AP of all enemies and increases her own AP, and an ultimate skill that deals moderate damage to all enemies and reduces their AP.
Additionally, her passive skill increases her own DEF and the DEF of allies when she uses her skills. Xuan Pin is also known for her cold and aloof personality, as well as her strategic thinking and flawless theories, which have made her a valuable asset in battle and a popular choice for many players.

Yamato is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Izanagi, the Japanese god of creation and life. He is a Wind Support Esper who excels at granting buffs to allies and dealing damage. His skillset includes an attack skill that deals damage to a single target and has a chance of inflicting a debuff that reduces their CRIT, a support skill that grants the team CRIT Up and ATK Up, and an ultimate skill that deals massive damage to a single target and grants the team a shield.
Additionally, his passive skill increases his own AP and the AP of allies when he uses his skills. Yamato is also known for his mysterious and enigmatic personality, which has made him a popular choice for many players. He is a valuable asset in battle and a force to be reckoned with.
Yun Chuan

Yun Chuan is a character in Dislyte who possesses divine power from Yang Jian, a Chinese deity known as the “God of the Sword.” He is a Wind Fighter Esper who excels at dealing damage and inflicting debuffs on enemies. His skillset includes an attack skill that deals damage and has a chance of inflicting a debuff that reduces the target’s CRIT, a control skill that reduces the AP of all enemies and increases his own AP, and an ultimate skill that deals massive damage to a single target and has a chance of inflicting a debuff that reduces their CRIT.
Additionally, his passive skill increases his own ATK and the ATK of allies when he uses his skills. Yun Chuan is also known for his moral character, his strong sense of friendship, and his willingness to help his friends in need, which have made him a popular choice for many players. He is a force to be reckoned with and a valuable asset in battle.