Ratatouille is a beloved animated movie that tells the story of a rat named Remy who dreams of becoming a chef. Along the way, Remy meets a cast of memorable characters, each with their own unique personalities and quirks. From the stern but protective father Django to the lovable and slightly overweight Emile, the characters in Ratatouille are a diverse and multi-layered group that add depth and meaning to the movie’s story.
The movie also features a number of human characters, including the ambitious but hapless Linguini, the cunning and avaricious Skinner, and the feared but respected food critic Anton Ego. Each of these characters plays an important role in the story, helping to shape Remy’s journey and providing valuable lessons about the importance of family, perseverance, and following your dreams.
Together, the characters in Ratatouille create a rich and engaging world that has captured the hearts of viewers around the world.
Ratatouille Characters
Remy is the main character in the movie Ratatouille. He is a rat with a passion for cooking and a keen sense of taste and smell. Remy is different from other rats in that he doesn’t like to eat garbage, but instead loves to experiment with different flavors and ingredients. He dreams of becoming a chef, but as a rat, he faces many obstacles in achieving his dream.
Throughout the movie, Remy shows incredible intelligence and resourcefulness, using his knowledge of the human world to navigate the kitchen and create delicious dishes. He forms a close bond with Linguini, a young man who becomes his friend and partner in the kitchen. Together, they work to overcome the challenges they face and prove that anyone can cook.
Remy is a complex character with many layers. On the surface, he is a rat who loves to cook, but he also struggles with his identity and his place in the world. He feels torn between his loyalty to his family and his desire to pursue his dream. Despite the challenges he faces, Remy never gives up on his dream and continues to work hard to achieve it.
Overall, Remy is a lovable and relatable character who inspires viewers to follow their dreams and never give up, no matter what obstacles they may face.
Linguini is one of the main characters in the movie Ratatouille. He starts out as a garbage boy at a restaurant, but he quickly rises through the ranks with the help of his friend Remy, a rat with a passion for cooking. Linguini is a kind-hearted and well-meaning young man, but he is also clumsy and often makes mistakes.
Throughout the movie, Linguini shows incredible growth and determination as he learns to cook and becomes a skilled chef. He forms a close bond with Colette, a skilled chef who becomes his mentor and love interest. Together, they work to improve their cooking skills and create delicious dishes.
Linguini is a complex character with many layers. He struggles with his identity and his place in the world, as he learns the truth about his past and his connection to the restaurant. Despite the challenges he faces, Linguini never gives up and continues to work hard to achieve his goals.
Overall, Linguini is a lovable and relatable character who inspires viewers to pursue their passions and never give up on their dreams, no matter what obstacles they may face.
Colette is one of the main characters in the movie Ratatouille. She is a skilled chef who becomes Linguini’s mentor and love interest. Colette is tough and no-nonsense, but she also has a soft spot for Linguini.
Throughout the movie, Colette shows incredible talent and determination as a chef. She is a perfectionist who takes her work very seriously, and she is determined to help Linguini succeed. Colette is a strong and assertive woman who is not afraid to speak her mind and stand up for what she believes in.
Colette is a complex character with many layers. She has a troubled past and struggles with feelings of inadequacy, but she never lets her past hold her back. She is a loyal friend and a fierce competitor, and she inspires those around her to be their best selves.
Overall, Colette is a strong and inspiring character who shows that women can be just as talented and successful as men in the culinary world. She is a role model for young women everywhere and a reminder that hard work and determination can help you achieve your dreams.
Skinner is one of the main antagonists in the movie Ratatouille. He is the head chef at the restaurant where Remy and Linguini work, and he is obsessed with preserving the legacy of the restaurant’s former owner, Gusteau. Skinner is shown to be very cunning, avaricious, deceitful, unrelenting and wrathful.
Throughout the movie, Skinner is often at odds with Remy and Linguini, and he is not above using underhanded tactics to get what he wants. He is a skilled chef, but he is also selfish and greedy, and he cares more about maintaining the restaurant’s reputation than he does about creating delicious food.
Skinner is a complex character with many layers. He has a troubled past and struggles with feelings of inadequacy, but he covers up his insecurities with a tough exterior. He is a formidable opponent for Remy and Linguini, but he is ultimately defeated by their teamwork and determination.
Overall, Skinner is a well-developed and memorable character who adds depth and complexity to the movie’s plot. He is a reminder that not all chefs are good people, and that the culinary world can be just as cutthroat as any other industry.
Anton Ego
Anton Ego is a character in the movie Ratatouille, and he serves as one of the main antagonists. He is a food critic who is feared by chefs and restaurants alike, known for his scathing reviews and high standards. Ego is initially skeptical of Linguini and Remy’s abilities, but he is eventually won over by their cooking.
Throughout the movie, Ego is shown to be a complex and multi-layered character. He is initially portrayed as a cold and unfeeling critic, but as the story progresses, we learn more about his troubled past and the reasons behind his harsh critiques. Ego is a man who takes his work very seriously, and he is willing to go to great lengths to ensure that his reviews are fair and honest.
Despite his reputation as a critic, Ego is ultimately shown to be a man who loves food and appreciates the art of cooking. He is won over by Remy and Linguini’s cooking, and he writes a glowing review of the restaurant, helping to save it from financial ruin.
Overall, Anton Ego is a well-developed and memorable character who adds depth and complexity to the movie’s plot. He is a reminder that critics can be just as passionate and dedicated as the artists they critique, and that there is often more to a person than meets the eye.
Auguste Gusteau is a major character in the movie Ratatouille. He is a renowned and extremely talented chef who wrote the cookbook “Anyone Can Cook” and founded the restaurant that serves as the movie’s setting. Gusteau is not alive during the events of the movie, but his ghost appears to Remy throughout the story, providing guidance and inspiration.
Throughout the movie, Gusteau is portrayed as a larger-than-life figure, a man who believed that anyone could cook and who inspired countless people to pursue their dreams. He is shown to be a kind and generous person who cared about his employees and customers, and who was passionate about creating delicious food.
Despite his absence, Gusteau is a central figure in the movie’s plot. His philosophy of “anyone can cook” inspires Remy and Linguini to pursue their dreams, and his legacy is a reminder that food can bring people together and create joy and happiness.
Overall, Gusteau is a well-developed and memorable character who adds depth and meaning to the movie’s story. He is a reminder that passion and determination can help us achieve our dreams, and that we should always strive to create joy and happiness in the world around us.
Django is a major supporting character in the movie Ratatouille. He is the father of Remy and Emile and the leader of the rat colony that lives in the sewers beneath the restaurant. Django is a stern and protective father who is initially skeptical of Remy’s love of cooking.
Throughout the movie, Django is shown to be a complex and multi-layered character. He is fiercely loyal to his family and his community, but he is also willing to take risks to help Remy pursue his dreams. Django is a wise and experienced rat who provides guidance and support to Remy, helping him navigate the human world and overcome the challenges he faces.
Despite his tough exterior, Django is ultimately shown to be a loving and caring father who wants the best for his children. His relationship with Remy is a central part of the movie’s story, and their bond is a reminder that family and community are important values that can help us overcome even the most difficult challenges.
Overall, Django is a well-developed and memorable character who adds depth and meaning to the movie’s story. He is a reminder that love, loyalty, and perseverance can help us overcome even the most difficult obstacles, and that family is one of the most important things in life.
Emile is a major supporting character in the movie Ratatouille. He is the younger brother of Remy and the son of Django, the leader of the rat colony that lives in the sewers beneath the restaurant. Emile is shown to be a lovable and slightly overweight rat who loves to eat and is always hungry.
Throughout the movie, Emile provides comic relief and adds a lighthearted touch to the story. He is shown to be a loyal and supportive brother to Remy, even when he doesn’t fully understand his brother’s love of cooking. Emile is a simple and straightforward character who is always true to himself and his desires.
Despite his limited role in the movie’s plot, Emile is a well-developed and memorable character who adds depth and humor to the story. His love of food and his loyalty to his family are endearing qualities that make him a fan favorite among viewers.
Overall, Emile is a charming and memorable character who reminds us of the importance of family, loyalty, and being true to ourselves. His simple and straightforward nature is a refreshing contrast to the more complex and multi-layered characters in the movie, and his presence adds a touch of humor and lightheartedness to the story.
Horst is a minor character in the movie Ratatouille, but he is a memorable one nonetheless. He is a sous chef at the restaurant where Remy and Linguini work, and he is known for his mysterious past and his unusual cooking techniques.
Throughout the movie, Horst is shown to be a quirky and eccentric character who adds a touch of humor to the story. He is known for his unusual cooking techniques, such as using his thumb to season dishes, and he is always willing to try new things and take risks in the kitchen.
Despite his limited role in the movie’s plot, Horst is a well-developed and memorable character who adds depth and humor to the story. His quirky personality and unusual cooking techniques make him a fan favorite among viewers, and his presence adds a touch of levity to some of the more serious moments in the movie.
Overall, Horst is a charming and memorable character who reminds us of the importance of taking risks and being true to ourselves. His quirky personality and unusual cooking techniques are a reminder that there is no one “right” way to do things, and that creativity and innovation are important qualities in any field.
Mustafa is a minor character in the movie Ratatouille, but he plays an important role in the story. He is a waiter at the restaurant where Remy and Linguini work, and he is known for his impeccable service and attention to detail.
Throughout the movie, Mustafa is shown to be a polite and professional waiter who takes his job very seriously. He is always willing to go above and beyond for his customers, and he is known for his excellent memory and his ability to anticipate his customers’ needs.
Despite his limited role in the movie’s plot, Mustafa is a well-developed and memorable character who adds depth and authenticity to the story. His professionalism and attention to detail are a reminder that even the most minor characters can have a big impact on the world around them.
Overall, Mustafa is a charming and memorable character who reminds us of the importance of professionalism, attention to detail, and customer service. His presence in the movie adds a touch of authenticity and realism to the story, and his dedication to his job is a reminder that even the most mundane tasks can be meaningful and important.