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10 Of The Toughest Elden Ring Bosses

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Elden Ring is an action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. The game was released on February 25, 2022, and has quickly become a fan favorite due to its immersive world, challenging gameplay, and engaging storyline. Set in a vast open world, Elden Ring allows players to explore a variety of environments, battle fierce enemies, and uncover the mysteries of the Elden Ring.
One of the most challenging aspects of Elden Ring is defeating the toughest Elden Ring bosses. These battles require skill, strategy, and patience to overcome, and are often some of the most memorable moments in the game. Here are some of the toughest Elden Ring Bosses that you will encounter when playing this epic game. Enjoy:
Elden Ring Bosses
Margit, The Fell Omen

Margit, The Fell Omen is the first boss that players encounter in Elden Ring, and it’s one of the toughest first bosses in any Souls game. Guarding the entrance to Stormveil Castle, Margit is not messing around, and players will need to bring their A-game to take him down.
During the first phase of the fight, Margit is aggressive enough to keep players on their toes, but there’s nothing too difficult outside of the way he staggers his attacks to mess up dodge timing. However, once players get him down to about 60% health, he gets serious. He starts pulling out spectral weapons, and everything just gets out of control.
At this point, Margit starts stringing together his attacks, which sometimes feel like they never stop. It’s a constant barrage, and trying to get a hit in is a risky proposition. There’s just no real comparison to any other first major Souls boss. Margit is an absolute beast of a first boss, and he’s harder than some Souls games’ final bosses.
The Fire Giant

The Fire Giant is one of the toughest bosses in Elden Ring, guarding the Forge of Giants on the Mountain Top of the Giants. This boss is unique right from the start, as players can fight him while riding their spectral steed, which actually makes certain attacks easier to avoid. The Fire Giant’s massive size makes it challenging to get to him, as he is surprisingly fast for such a big creature.
During the first phase of the fight, players need to attack the Fire Giant’s ankles to stun him and leave him vulnerable to a bigger attack. However, as players take off about 50% of his health bar, his legs snap sideways, and his only weak points become his eye and his hands. Both can be frustratingly difficult to reach, and on top of that, he’s constantly belching out chaotic bursts of fire that make even getting close to him dangerous.
It’s a frustrating fight, and players can barely tell what’s going on in the later stages. Blocking isn’t going to save them from most of these attacks, so it’s much safer to just smack his legs and whittle his health down that way. The Fire Giant becomes much worse in his second form where he jumps into the air and comes crashing down like a meteor. The only way to avoid this attack is to get on the sprint steed and start running; otherwise, it’s instant death.
Starscourge Radahn

Starscourge Radahn is a massive boss that can be encountered in Caelid. It is a gigantic warrior riding a tiny little horse, making it faster than it looks. The range of its weapons is also pretty big, and it fights like it’s one third the size that it is. This makes avoiding certain attacks from its massive blades challenging enough.
The boss can be summoned with multiple summoning signs littered around the battlefield for you to use every single one that you can bring in to fight to death against this boss. However, this doesn’t make the fight easy. The warriors you call in to help also don’t last that long against it, but they’re essential to distract it so you can actually get some hits in.
At the very least, its health bar isn’t too big, so you can do some pretty good damage to it relatively quickly. The problem is that it can kill you a lot faster than you can kill it, and for weaker players, that just means death. Whatever follow-up it has will be more than enough to finish you off.
It hits hard and is relentless, so the only way to survive is to know where it’s safe to stand to hit it. And like pretty much every boss in the game, it becomes much worse in its second form where it jumps into the air and comes crashing down like a meteor. Pretty much the one way to avoid this attack is to get on your sprint steed and start running, otherwise, it’s instant death.
From here, it starts modifying all of its attacks with additional gravity effects. There’s so much this boss can do that’ll just kill you instantly, and it’s ridiculous. The only reason it’s not higher on this list is that you can summon so many guys to help you out. That makes Radahn just very difficult rather than nearly impossible, which is truly what it would be without all that help.
Full Grown Fallingstar Beast

The Full Grown Fallingstar Beast is a boss encountered on top of Mt. Gelmir, guarding the way of the Volcano Manor. This boss is known for being a grueling test of endurance, as it takes a lot of hits to take down and does a lot of damage.
Unlike many other bosses in Elden Ring, the Full Grown Fallingstar Beast doesn’t have a lot of weird attacks or gimmicks. It’s just really aggressive and has a hard shell surrounding it that makes it a lot harder to do any real damage.
Most of its attacks are easily telegraphed, but it doesn’t do anything too far out of the standard boss formula. The fight becomes a test of patience as players are stuck waiting for an opportunity to attack due to the lack of openings.
It’s weak to magic damage, but it still takes a long time to take down. Trying to hit its weak spots is a waste of time, as the boss is too fast and reactive to make it something players can consistently do.
Mohg, The Lord Of Blood

Mohg, found deep in the Mohgwyn Palace, is a special kind of boss in Elden Ring. What makes him so difficult isn’t so much his regular attacks, but the annoying effects he causes. His attacks cause bleed, which does a ton of damage, and he leaves these flaming pools of blood all over the place that severely limit where you can go.
That’s all bad enough, but it’s nothing compared to his worst attack. Randomly during the fight, he’ll cast his spell that causes a ring to appear around you. It’s totally unblockable and unavoidable. And while it doesn’t do anything at first, after you get his health bar down to 50%, he’ll whip out this actually brutal attack that saps about half your health or more per hit, which can’t be blocked and restores a big chunk of health per hit just to add insult to injury. And he does it three times in a row.
His second form where he sprouts wings is, of course, very tough on its own. He starts really going nuts with the flaming pools of blood, and his attacks become even more difficult to avoid. It’s important to plan ahead and use a physic that nullifies the spells effects to avoid taking too much damage. Otherwise, you’re pretty much screwed.
Malenia, Blade of Miquella

Malenia, Blade of Miquella is one of the toughest bosses in the action role-playing game Elden Ring. She is a humanoid boss who wields a massive sword and has a variety of deadly attacks.
Malenia is a challenging opponent who requires a lot of skill and strategy to defeat. She is fast and agile, and can quickly close the distance between herself and the player. She has a variety of attacks, including a powerful jumping attack that can deal massive damage.
One of the most challenging aspects of the Malenia fight is her ability to summon minions to aid her in battle. These minions can be difficult to deal with, as they can distract the player and deal damage while Malenia attacks from a distance.
Overall, Malenia is a memorable and challenging boss who requires a lot of skill and patience to defeat. She is a worthy opponent for even the most skilled Elden Ring players, and a memorable example of the game’s challenging boss battles.
Dragonlord Placidusax

Dragonlord Placidusax is one of the toughest bosses in the action role-playing game Elden Ring. He is a secret boss who is incredibly difficult to find, and requires a lot of skill and strategy to defeat.
Dragonlord Placidusax is a dragon-like boss who has a variety of powerful attacks. He can breathe fire, charge at the player, and swipe with his massive claws. He is also able to summon minions to aid him in battle, which can make the fight even more challenging.
One of the most challenging aspects of the Dragonlord Placidusax fight is his ability to fly. This can make it difficult for the player to get close to him, and can make it hard to avoid his attacks.
Overall, Dragonlord Placidusax is a memorable and challenging boss who requires a lot of skill and patience to defeat. He is a worthy opponent for even the most skilled Elden Ring players, and a memorable example of the game’s challenging boss battles.
Godskin Duo

Godskin Duo is one of the toughest bosses in the action role-playing game Elden Ring. It is a two-headed giant who wields two massive hammers and has a variety of deadly attacks.
Godskin Duo is a challenging opponent who requires a lot of skill and strategy to defeat. It has a lot of health and is able to deal massive damage with its hammers. It can also stomp on the ground to create shockwaves that can knock the player down.
One of the most challenging aspects of the Godskin Duo fight is its ability to switch between two different attack patterns. It can either use both hammers to attack at once, or it can use them separately to create a wider range of attacks.
Overall, Godskin Duo is a memorable and challenging boss who requires a lot of skill and patience to defeat. It is a worthy opponent for even the most skilled Elden Ring players, and a memorable example of the game’s challenging boss battles.
Astel, Natural Born of the Void

Astel, Natural Born of the Void is one of the toughest bosses in the action role-playing game Elden Ring. It is a massive, otherworldly creature that wields a variety of deadly attacks.
Astel is a challenging opponent who requires a lot of skill and strategy to defeat. It has a lot of health and is able to deal massive damage with its tentacles. It can also create shockwaves that can knock the player down, and fire energy blasts that can deal massive damage.
One of the most challenging aspects of the Astel fight is its ability to teleport around the arena. This can make it difficult for the player to get close to it, and can make it hard to avoid its attacks.
Overall, Astel is a memorable and challenging boss who requires a lot of skill and patience to defeat. It is a worthy opponent for even the most skilled Elden Ring players, and a memorable example of the game’s challenging boss battles.